About Foscadh Housing

Foscadh Housing is passionate about providing safe, secure and affordable housing to those most in need, and delivering programs that empower fully inclusive, thriving and sustainable communities.

Established in 1999 in response to the scarcity of quality, affordable homes within the founders’ local communities, Foscadh Housing has grown steadily to become a national organisation with 139 homes, housing families, single and older people, those with a disability and the homeless.

Our mission

Foscadh is the Irish word for shelter. Our mission is to provide accessible and affordable social housing of the highest quality that nurtures and supports communities.

To achieve our mission, we work closely with communities and authorities, at both local and regional levels, to deliver quality, responsive and effective housing, estate management and maintenance services to people in need. We also recognise the value of grass-roots community involvement and strive to deliver community initiatives and events that promote integrated, healthy and empowered communities.

Our communities

Foscadh Housing schemes are available to people on local authority housing lists, and to the homeless, traveller families, single and older people and those with a disability. We are closely involved in the support and management of all our estates to encourage integration and successful community growth.

In partnership with the Safe Home Programme, we have also delivered homes to support elderly Irish emigrants living in the UK who wish to return home to live in Ireland. Visit Safe Home Ireland for more details about this initiative.

Our values and ethos

• Respect – mutual respect and care between tenants, staff, contractors and board members
• Work in partnership – to be open, fair, flexible and co-operative
• Accountability
• Sustainability
• Constantly striving for excellence in the quality of our homes and services
• Commitment to continuous improvement

Our legal status

Foscadh Housing is a charitable organisation, an Approved Housing Body (AHB) under Section 6 of the Housing (Misc. Provisions) Act 1992 for the purpose of the Housing Act 1966 – 2009. The Association is registered with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, has Charitable status with the Charities Regulator and is a member of the Irish Council for Social Housing and The Wheel.
Granted Certified Body Status by the Housing Finance Agency in 2016, Foscadh Housing is compliant with the Voluntary Regulation Code for Approved Housing Bodies, and is registered with the Approved Housing Body Regulatory Authority (AHBRA).

Foscadh Housing is an approved Housing Association and a company limited by guarantee. It is overseen by a voluntary Board of Directors and an Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee, and is supported by an experienced, full-time management team.